As the temperatures slowly begin to rise, all things outdoors start to welcome Spring. This includes a great increase in motorcycles being out on the roads in states that have been waiting for winter’s grasp to ease. With more motorcycles on the road, there is unfortunately a resulting increase in motorcycle accidents leading to injuries and death. Savvy drivers will be those who take in all their surroundings, including those motorcycles that are harder to see but rightful users of the same roadways as any other motor vehicle. Motorists should be on the lookout for motorcycles and be cautious in approaching them out on the roadways to help prevent unnecessary accidents. Motorcyclists should also take all the necessary precautions and cautions while enjoying the freedom of the ride their bike affords.
Motorcyclists should take safety training courses before getting out on their new rides and even seasoned riders should not be averse to staying up on motorcycle safety. Riders should wear bright, reflective clothing to help motorists see them out on the roads. Other safety gear should also be used, such as helmets, eye protection, pants, boots, and long sleeves. Motorcyclists should always be engaging in defensive driving, knowing that many motorists do not see them. At the same time, motorists out there should not forget to look twice before changing lanes, proceeding through intersections, and other maneuvers in traffic.
With the cooperation of motorists and motorcycle riders respecting one another’s rights to enjoy travel out on the many highways and byways, everyone can help bring down the number of motorcycle accidents this Spring. If you or someone you know has been injured in a motorcycle accident, do not hesitate to seek the caring professionals of Inserra & Kelley, who emphasize championing the rights and compensation of avid motorcyclists.

A partner with Inserra & Kelley, Attorneys At Law since 1993, Craig Kelley focuses on personal injury law with a large emphasis on motorcycle and bicycle related cases and claims with the goal of first helping clients heal and then getting speedy resolution of their disputes.
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